Friday, October 31, 2008
Practical Magic

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Political Party

Even TPK played along. We are doing an event for election day next week so we needed some fun props for it. This will provide lots of entertainment for the next few days.
I think I may have found the picture for my Christmas card...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Snow "Fall"
I'm not ready for this. I have yet to get my coats dry cleaned. I have to replace two tires on my car before I feel comfortable driving on snow covered roads. The scraper/snow brush is missing from my trunk. I haven't even started wearing socks yet...
Snow, snow Go Away. Come back again another day. Like December 25th.
The Prince
In between the chaos of the day, I received this picture from my father. He often sends random family animal pictures and they always make me laugh. (One time he actually created an e-mail account for Gabby and sent me her puppy picture and wrote...remember me?)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Weekend Blur

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sensible Shoes
Friday, October 24, 2008
Angie and Vera

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Mirror Mirror
Mr. Clooney

Mr Lauer Marky Mark (Post Funky Bunch years)
LL Cool J (my long time love)
For now, I'm off to the store to buy myself a new mirror.
And an apple.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
My New Project
Now I realize this may sound lame but I figure I can help her out and then she can write a glowing testimonial for my future organizing business. Win-Win. Plus, it's just fun for me.

It's going to take me some time to complete this project but I'll be sure to post the results. And to share Tara's secret family recipes, of course.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Puke Plant

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Courtney is one of my best friends. We lived on the same floor during sophomore year of college and became friends after that. We've seen each other through a lot of changes since then and I am forever thankful that I met her. She's taught me a lot and I know I could always count on her for anything. She's my Ambassador of Kwan.

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Not So Friendly
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tales from the Couch

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Home Sweet Home

I remember after I moved into Littell Hall and went to my first floor meeting in college, we played an icebreaker where we had to say our name and where we were from. That, my friends, is the question that sends panic through the heart of any person who has a parent in the military. I know it sounds weird but I really had no answer. Did I say Germany because that's where I went to HS or did I say New Mexico because that's where my parents lived? Or was it NY because that's where I was born? I don't remember what I answered at that time. I just remember wondering what it was like to be born and raised in one place and being able to answer the "where are you from" question without thinking.
It's been many years since and I've come across this question often. I still don't like answering it in such limited terms. And the reason I've decided is because I feel bad for claiming any one place as my "hometown". I loved every place I've lived and all those places were important to a part of my life. I couldn't just claim one. It would be like choosing one handbag to carry forever. And we all know how I feel about that.
Today I went to the GFE ( Green Family Estate) to visit my mom. As I was pulling up to the house, I thought of how much I love to go over to visit. True, it's not one of the houses I grew up in and I've never actually lived here for more than a few weeks at a time (for vacations and between my own moves) but as I drove up to it, I thought of the people inside and I realized I've always known, exactly where I'm from.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Play Day

I wonder if Hef likes red heads....
Thursday, October 9, 2008
It's a Tough Job
For a good cause of course. The Up 'til Dawn girls are going to hang up the undies around campus to advertise St. Jude and the programs coming up. Clever right?
I love my job because you never know what you'll find in the conference room in the morning after a meeting.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Go Green
I think I'd give it a very good home.

Monday, October 6, 2008
For the Kids Sake

Most of you know about my love for St. Jude and the wonderful work they do, but if you don't, please check out the link to the hospital. And if you are ever looking for a gift idea, check the Hope Catalog. Every little bit counts to helping the kids at St. Jude.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sunday Stroll

Stay tuned.
All I can say for sure is that I'm happily exhausted from this weekend and am looking forward to laying on my couch and catching up on my TV shows and reading some magazines. I'm pretty sure that's how every runner begins the rigorous training process, right?
Friday, October 3, 2008
Blog I Will

This weekend was a big weekend on campus. There was a lot of programs and events to attend. So last night I went to see Rory Kennedy speak. I'm intrigued by her documentaries and will have to watch them in full. I was impressed with her work and commitment to social justice through documentary film making. Once again, I was struck by how lucky I am to work on a college campus and have the opportunity to attend programs like this on a random Friday night.
Today was also the Centennial of Oneonta. We went down to the parade on Main Street. It was also the first weekend that we've had really crisp, fall weather. I walked down from campus with Jill and Melissa, Jill's dog Cedar. I ended up agreeing to take our friend Zach's dog Bodey down there with us too. The parade was great and the dogs were so cute watching it.

Cedar and Bodey watching the horses pass by.
The parade was fun and it's always days like this that I appreciate living in a small town so much. Especially when the local BBQ place has a float in the parade with big chickens walking around.
And it may not be all that exciting, but it's blog worthy to me. :)
Enjoy your weekend!