One of my pet peeves is Christmas stuff being left out after Christmas. I can deal with it until January 1st and then I'm done.
Last Saturday I was over at my friend *
Suzy's house having some pink champagne with a bunch of our friends. To my horror, her little Christmas tree was still proudly displayed on her table.
Yes, blog friends, it's true. There were still stockings hung on the wall with care.
When I mentioned (mocked) this aloud, my friend shrugged and rolled her eyes at me.
I think I died a little inside.
She stepped out of the room and we (I think
Jill helped me with this task) took immediate and decisive action. The little cute tree was carried into the bathroom and placed it in the tub. And we/I laughed hysterically over this. (Looking back, it's not really even funny, but pink champagne really makes me giggle)

The stockings were thrown into the laundry hamper. We thought we were so sly (I mean, look at how proud we were of ourselves)

Suzy walked in to the room. Looked at me. And asked, "you put the tree in the bathtub didn't you?"
But at least the Christmas tree is now taken down.
Mission accomplished.
*Names have been changed to protect the blogless.