This week has been a little bit crazy with the move and work getting busy again, but I'm happy to report that things feel really calm today. The weather has been beautiful (a little fall like but bright and sunny). This morning I took the cats to the vet. It was quite the adventure with all of the hissing and crying (the cats--not me). But we are done with that for another year.
Speaking of the you know I've been staying with my friend Cristina for the past few days. The first night I was there I settled the cats upstairs in my room and came down to watch some TV with Tim and Cristina. Little Sam was asleep upstairs in his room. All of a sudden we heard Sam say "Daddy, why is there a cat in my room?" over the baby monitor. He didn't sound freaked out--he was just wondering why she was there. It was so funny!
In other news, I tried a new mascara (I had a coupon and there was a sale so I spent all of $2 on this). Rimmel Glam'eyes. I really like this one. I feel like it's a good formula and doesn't clump up. I would say it's worth it (even at full price). Plus, it's pink and black. Enjoyable all around.

I guess I've officially caught you up on my life for the last few days. In honor of my good mood this Friday, I'll leave you with a cute cartoon that hangs on my bulletin board at work (one of my students gave it to me a few years ago). Enjoy!