It was a lovely day. I got everything I wished for. I didn't wish for a snowstorm but I did get that this morning. It's okay. I can live with that. Everything else turned out great.
I got to my office this morning and it was decorated by my birthday buddy. We had an incredible cake and I got some great gifts from my lovely friends.
My friend, Cristina sent me these beautiful flowers.
I wish I could get flowers every week!
I also attended a service awards thing for the college. I received my 5 year pin today. It's hard to believe I've been here for 5 years. I didn't think I'd make it to 2 much less 5. But I'm happy in my job and it was nice to get recognized for the service to the college.

After work, I went to have drinks with some friends and then had dinner with my crush. It was wonderful. I realize more and more that I love to spend time with him. But that's another story for another day...
In honor of my birthday I want to share with you:
34 Things I Want To Do in my 34th Year:
1. Travel to a city that I've never been to before
2. Complete my t-shirt quilt
3. Scan all photo albums
4. Get a facial or two
5. Increase savings account (contribute to it regularly)
6. Refinish the dresser that is stored at the GFE
7. Schedule all doctor's appointments for check ups
8. Get my car detailed professionally
9. Obtain a Claddagh ring (I can't buy it for myself--it's got to be given to me)
10. Purchase a Coach bag
11. Take a class about something new and not academic related
12. Get the Tiffany skeleton key necklace
13. Donate money to SU, O-State, Sigma and St. Jude
14. Research doctoral graduate programs
15. Get a gym membership
16. Attend a country concert and DMB concert at Bethel Woods
17. Take a beach vacation
18. Take a personal retreat
19. Have a yard sale in the spring/summer
20. Take a trip to see NYC (the tree at Christmas time)
21. Go camping/hiking
22. Save up for a washer/dryer for my apartment
23. Paint my bathroom and the weird room
24. Do something fun for St. Patrick's Day
25. Get a massage (I can't believe I've NEVER had one)
26. I would like to change my tattoo a little (outline it in black)
27. Try a new restaurant
28. Make a sign and stand outside of the Today Show
29. Do a professional organizing consultation (to start my portfolio)
30. Really begin the Tri Sigma alumnae group I always want to start
31. Write a letter/note to someone in my life at least once a week
32. Design a workout plan to add more toning exercises
33. Visit friends and family that I should see more often
34. Find one thing a day to be thankful for and verbalize it...
I truly do love my 30's so far!