I'm sitting here watching the People's Choice Awards (awful by the way) and thought I'd recap 2010 in pictures. I've been without my picture library for awhile and just happened to look through the last year. I've thought a lot about 2010 and how up and down I thought it was but wanted to show the high points because I don't want the bad stuff to overshadow all the good times I had last year. Plus, I saw a few blogs do it and thought it looked like fun. So what did I do in 2010? Let's have a look...
January 2010
I kicked off the new year with some good friends. It was right after the worst Christmas of my life and the boy that I've been in love with broke my heart for the first time (which got broken several more times throughout the year...blah) But I did have a nice NYE with friends. Here is Cristina and I after midnight in a seedy bar that we used to frequent in college.
February 2010
The best part of winter is the college basketball season. I love Syracuse and was so excited to get to the Villanova game with Beth. We went to grad school there and I always love going back to the Dome for a game. SO FUN!
March 2010
Spring semester at a college is REALLY busy, especially if you work with fraternities/sororities. But I was able to get away for a conference in Boston with some of my favorite co-workers and close friends. It was a great trip. We shopped, we socialized, we learned stuff.

April 2010
My sorority celebrated Founder's Day. I was excited to attend the Founder's Day luncheon and meet new girls and see some alumnae that I hadn't seen in awhile. Love my Sigmas!
May 2010
It was busy at the end of the semester but I was excited as things wound down. I had looked forward to the Sex and the City 2 for awhile (it's my favorite show of all time) so a few of my friends and I made a date out of it. Dinner and the movie, followed by drinks. Fun night!
June 2010
I was off a lot during June. I spent a lot of time hanging out, going to the pool, working out, etc. But one of the highlights of the month was the farewell dinner for one of my favorite girls. She moved a few hours away. Sad for us but it was great for her!
July 2010
This was a very busy month! I think I worked a total of 4 days and was off for the rest of the month. It was good because I packed a lot of fun in there.
Saw Dave Matthews Band at Bethel Woods on a rainy day. Alisha met up with us so we had a little reunion.
Went to Ohio to celebrate the marriage of Jared and Lizz. They live here but had a reception in OH. It was a FUN road trip and a great celebration of a great couple.
At the end of the month, I headed to Memphis to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. I love that place and had such an amazing time. Here I am with Courtney (my St. Jude Rep) and Emily (the student leader that works with me on campus for St. Jude)

St. Jude on a steaming hot day in July.
August 2010
Family came up from NC. My Grandma, Aunt Karen and cousin Hillary visited. Love to see them! Here they are with my Aunt Marian.
Back to work for me. Getting ready for students returning to campus. But at the end of the month, I was excited to go to see Lady Antebellum at a local county fair. Amazing. Of course, I had to get in the spirit of the county fair and pose with a cow.
Gillian and I waiting for Lady A to come on stage. Nice hats, huh?
September 2010
September didn't start well (boy drama) but I did celebrate one year of living in my apartment. Otherwise known as Club Chestnut. I love this place! And after living on a college campus for most of my adult life, I still get excited to know that I can leave campus after work each day.
October 2010
This is probably one of my best moments of 2010. I ran my first ever 5K. It felt great and I'm so proud of myself for seeing this goal through.
November 2010
After more emotional drama at work and home, I was thrilled to escape it for a few days and go see Dave Matthews again with Gillian and Jill (and Vinny) in Albany. Great show!
The Albany show was so amazing that we decided to drive down to Philadelphia to see the show the next night. Probably another of my favorite moments of the year. At one point of the show, I turned to Jill and said, "I wish I could bottle this moment and open it when I'm having a really bad day." That's how great it was!
December 2010
I turned another fabulous year older. Threw a party for myself and decided that I'm going to let go of the unhealthy things in my life and embrace the things that matter. The people.
Looking back at the last year, I realize that I am a lucky girl. I have great people in my life and have the luxury to do things that I want to do. So as much as my heart was broken this year, I can feel good about that. And I hope that next year at this time, I can fill another recap post with all of the wonderful times that are to be in 2011!