• Fashion is about what you wear. Style is about how you live your life. ~Ralph Lauren

Monday, June 15, 2009

Back to Reality

It's Monday at lunch time and I was just thinking about what a wonderful and relaxing weekend I had. I can't say I did anything terribly exciting but that's what made it wonderful. I'm a really social person and I spend a majority of my days talking and interacting with people. Sometimes it's nice to spend some quality time alone. And it's just what I needed. I've been so bijigitty lately (about things I can't control) that I needed a good time out to really snap back to reality.

Friday: Took a LONG walk, cleaned my apartment, did laundry and went to bed early.

Saturday: Walk, WW meeting, napped, cleaned out some dresser drawers, went to the mall, tanning, fell asleep watching a movie.

Sunday: Took an extra long walk with Jill, had some lunch, went to the store for a few groceries and came home to realize that it was a perfect day to sit outside. I spread out a big blanket, grabbed a stack of magazines, my iced coffee and my iPod and settled in for hours of uninterrupted bliss in the sun. It was fantastic--once I realized the only thing that would make this better was for me to have a beach chair. I ran to Walgreen's to get one immediately. I was sad when my day on the "beach" was over.

And today I was excited to wake up and start a new week. I think this weekend really helped put things back into perspective and to motivate me to face some stuff I need to face (the apartment search) and to stop getting bijiggity over my crushes. I guess all it took was some reflection and quiet time.
On a different note, I finally got to see Weeds Season 4. I have one more disc to go and I can't wait to get it tomorrow. I love this show--it's so compelling. I never thought a show about a pot dealing mom would be interesting, but it is. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it.

What was the best thing about your weekend?


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you had a good weekend. I had a great one too!

Mrs. S. said...

Sounds like a fabulous weekend! I love those. Um, I think the best thing about my weekend was getting my video done so I can get certified to teach a class at the gym. Woo!