Well, I guess it's time to jump in and get back in the blogging saddle again. I always find it difficult after time away because I have lots of stuff that has happened and I don't know where to begin. So I'll just begin.
I'm happy to report that I've been off of work for most of this week. I will be off all of next week too. Sometimes that causes me some anxiety because I'm not used to spending so much time unstructured. I am pretty sure I'll be okay with it though...
So what have I been doing?
Well, on Tuesday night I went with my friend, Jill to Albany (about an hour from here) to visit her wedding dress (she's getting married next July) and I'm one of her bridesmaids so I tried on some dresses too. Her dress is beautiful and she's gonna be lovely on her big day. Obviously, I can't post those pictures, but next July--I'm all about it. While there, we went to another bridal shop to watch Jill's best friend, Ashley try on wedding dresses. Ashley and Jill are getting married two weeks apart. It was so fun to watch this process. Ashely found her dress at the end and it's lovely.
Here we are waiting for Ashley to come out with a dress.

Oh, and I can't begin to tell you how much I adore trying on headpieces while I'm in a bridal shop. I think I have good veil hair. This time I was really into this feather thing. So fun.

And just for further proof--I really do try on veils whenever I'm in a bridal shop. This was when my Courtney got married. haha.

Last night we went out to dinner for my friend Alisha. She's moving downstate on Saturday. It was a nice night. And another excuse to wear my new shoes.

Wait, I didn't mention my shoes?? I got these bad boys last weekend. They are in no way practical or sensible. But I love them and I'm tall in them. Love. Love. Love.

So Alisha loves this game we play with our friends. It's called the fan club game. We go around and say things that we love and admire about each other. It's a nice way to make each other feel great. In honor of Alisha moving, we all wrote down things we love and admire about her and put it in a jar. That way she can open it up whenever she wants and get a pick me up. She loved it! I think we all need a jar like this. Sometimes it's nice to hear these things. I'm gonna miss her!

Tonight a few of us are going to see a band play at a local bar. Should be fun! What are your weekend plans?