• Fashion is about what you wear. Style is about how you live your life. ~Ralph Lauren

Monday, April 27, 2009

Bag it Up

I'm all about bags, as you may recall. And I also want to find ways to save the planet. I know I'm wasteful about many things but I am trying to make a bigger effort to stop taking plastic bags from stores. And I'm really good about bringing in my canvas bags when I go grocery shopping. No problem. They live in my trunk so I grab them and go into the store. BUT I'm not so good on the random trip to Walgreen's or other stores during my errands. Inevitably I still end up with a few plastic bags each week. UGH! I get so annoyed when I realize I've accumulated yet another plastic bag. I'm not sure what the mental block is with grabbing a grocery bag from my trunk when I go to buy makeup or hairspray, but I never think of it. Yes, I have my regular bag but somehow I always end up purchasing more than will fit in that. You get my drift...

Well, a few weeks ago I had lunch with my favorite St. Jude rep and friend, Jessica. She was all about this bag (I can't remember what it was called) that folded up and could be stored in your purse. I was very impressed with her purchase. But then forgot about it....until yesterday. I was at Bath and Body to pick up some air freshener for my car and I saw this sitting on the 50% off table. It looks like a manicure kit, right. I thought so too. Until I unzipped it....and found a cute reusable bag. I know. I know. I bet you are thinking, but AG does it really fold back up as nicely?
And the answer is yes.
It's just that easy. And then you can toss it in your bag for those unexpected purchases that creep into your daily errands.
I used it today. AND I saw a girl two people ahead of me taking hers out as well. Brilliance is contagious. Clearly.
Have a good night!


Mrs. S. said...

What a cute bag! My roomie works at B&BW so I should have her pick up one of those! How cute and convenient!

Beth said...

I love that bag! What a great idea!

It was great to see you on Saturday... next time I hope it can be for longer :)

Always Organizing said...

Great bag, I love it!!! I use my Whole Foods bags for grocery and household shopping and could use a little fold up bag like this to keep on hand for the smaller shopping trips.

C said...

Well done! Approved.

Anonymous said...

That's great! I will definatley have to find one of those around here.

Lis said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! Thank you for sharing - I try to be really good about taking my own bags, I may have to scoop this up!

Jessica said...

Oh my god- I love it!! Mine was called the enviro-sac, but this one is just as fun! I am so excited that i have been featured in the blog twice this week!