• Fashion is about what you wear. Style is about how you live your life. ~Ralph Lauren

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Psssssst I Heart You.

Today was a long day at work. We had the student organization fair and it's sorority recruitment time too so I've been running around all day. I came home at 8 pm, ate dinner and am watching the Olympics. I didn't even use the elliptical today and I should be doing work but I needed to take a break from that stuff tonight.

Instead I wanted to share a few beauty products that I am pretty sure that every girl needs to know about. Why? Because it's fun.

First, I love this stuff. Pssssst is a dry shampoo. It's perfect for the days you don't wash your hair. It freshens it up and makes life much easier. I use it after I work out so that I don't have to sport a ponytail for the rest of the day. I imagine it's probably really good for camping too. I read about this in a magazine a few years ago and ordered it. Luckily I've discovered that they sell it at Walgreen's. Outstanding!

Second, I recently came back to Mary Kay eye makeup remover. I didn't mean to stop using it, it just kind of happened. I tried a store brand and was less than thrilled. (For someone that loves mascara as much as I do, I really need a good eye makeup remover.) So I decided it was time to reunite with this. I'm sorry I thought I could do it without you Mary Kay. I can't. I won't make that mistake again. And because I mentioned that I purchased two new nail polish colors this weekend, I had to show the other one. It's called Conquistadorable Color. Cute right?What products are you loving?
Hope you are enjoying your Wednesday!


C said...

I'm out of Pssst. Gotta go get some!
I love both new OPI colors!

Anonymous said...

I need to check out this dry shampoo bit. Right now, I am loving my Suave Natural Oatmeal lotion because the air has made my skin so dry. This stuff makes me feel so much better.