• Fashion is about what you wear. Style is about how you live your life. ~Ralph Lauren

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Eggcellent Weekend

I got a lot of me time this weekend.  I spent Saturday doing girly things and went to WW and to my get my hair cut.  I always look forward to my hair appointments.  I like my hair stylist and I love going to the salon because they all know me since I buy most of my nail polish from them.  And I really needed to have my hair played with yesterday.  Since that was the only thing I had to do for the day, I spent some time shopping solo.  I came home and was pleasantly surprised by a phone call.  Then I spent the evening watching TV in bed with some wine (discovering Moscato has changed my life).  I was so relaxed that I didn't end up going out like I had wanted to.  I was in bed by midnight.  HA.  So much for my social life on a Saturday night. 

Today was Easter and since I had spent the last two days doing errands, I spent the day relaxing at home.  I wanted to go to church but it's not as nice to go alone on a holiday.  I remember when I used to be excited about going to church with a pretty Easter dress on.  I'll do that again someday.  Maybe next year I'll host an Easter dinner.

But here is what Easter at Club Chestnut looked like..

I gave out these fun treats to my friends at work (and a few others not at work).  My friend, Angie, found it on a blog.  I'm not sure which blog so I'm giving a general shout out to the person that created this.  Thanks, they were super cute!  It says "Happy Easter to one of my favorite Peeps"  I gave them out on Thursday since I didn't work on Friday.
 This afternoon I colored some eggs while I watched a movie. 
 Gracie was very curious about what was going on.
 The finished product displayed in my basket that I recently picked up at a craft fair.  It looks like a nest.  I love it!  Of course I added some grass to make it even more nest like. 
And since the Easter Bunny seemed to miss my house, I chose my own basket contents this year. 

You may remember that I have been wanting nude shoes.  I found a pair at Payless--much to my surprise.
 Here are what they look like on.  I can't wait to wear them.  Maybe this week...
 And the Easter Bunny decided that I needed to get a few new tops.  I love the color of this.  Oh, and I got a cute bubble hemmed skirt to go with it.   
 And this one is sheer and flowy.  I just love the color. 
I treated myself to Chinese for dinner tonight and have layed on the couch.    It's been a nice relaxing weekend.  I wish I could have a few more days off but I'm pretty excited that it's only a 4 day work week due to the royal wedding (I took Friday off).  By the way, I got some cute things for that event...can't wait to share with you.

I hope you all had a nice Easter and spent it doing things you love to do!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

love the collection. My daughter like to play with color which you had tagged here.
dean graziosi