• Fashion is about what you wear. Style is about how you live your life. ~Ralph Lauren

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Am I A Groupie?

While I was sitting at my desk trying to find anything more interesting to do than finalize the plans for Family Weekend, I caught a glimpse of 2 tickets for David Sedaris hanging on my bulletin board. On September 28th I have a hot date with Cristina to go to Albany (maybe we can see Beth for dinner) to see our favorite author. He's hilarious. If you enjoy writing dripping with sarcasm and wit. It's even better hearing him read his stories in person. We went a few years ago (when she was VERY pregnant with Sam) to see him. I secretly hoped that she would give birth while we were there so that we could appear in one of his stories. She didn't.
But anyway, I'm pretty excited to go to see him again. I mean, how can you resist writing like this?
"Sallie Mae sounds like a naive and barefoot hillbilly girl but in fact they are a ruthless and aggressive conglomeration of bullies located in a tall brick building somewhere in Kansas. I picture it to be the tallest building in the state and I have decided they hire their employees straight out of prison. It scares me."
This is why I love to read his work. And you should too.


C said...

I thought it was in Syracuse again! Hee hee. Albany is all good with me. I think we might be groupies...gay author groupies vs. womanizing rockstar groupies. Hmmm. Clearly we are so much more evolved.

Beth said...

Keep me posted on when you're coming.... I think a dinner can be arranged